Tag Archives: fashion

Fashion Friday Is Back!

I really appreciate your insightful comments on Wednesday’s post about my relationship with the calories in alcohol. I’m still a work in progress but it helps to know I’m not the only one out there who struggles with feeling guilty about drinking. That night I enjoyed a fun Mexican dinner – with drinks – out (at Taqueria Tavern in West Hartford) and though I struggled with some anxiety the next morning, I pushed through and avoided temptation to skip my breakfast. I’m proud that I allowed myself to enjoy the beverages I craved. And of course, my body told me when I was done with my drinks, and I just simply didn’t want any more at that point; it was easy to stop.

My Onyx Moonshine Margarita (Onyx Moonshine, Agave, Lime Juice, Salt) was simple and amazing!

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YMX: Fitfluential Campaign

I received a top from YMX for this review, as part of a Fitfluential campaign. All opinions on the product are my own. This is not a compensated post.

I’m a big fan of bright or unique workout clothes. So bright AND unique workout clothes? Sold! I took one look at the selection on YMX and knew I wanted a chance to rock the brand at my gym. I signed up to be considered as a Fitfluential Ambassador for the May YMX campaign and lo and behold, I was selected and received this Infinite Geometry Long-Sleeve Shirt in the mail.

YMX uses MadKool Performance Fabric in their products, and varies the specific type fabric type according to where or for what activity the product is likely to be used. For example, cycle tops use a fabric with UV ray protection since they’re most likely to be worn outside. My particular top’s MadKool fabric offered moisture-wicking, quick-dry, wrinkle and odor resistance, and UPF 30+ protection as its benefits.

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Fashion Friday: Lendperk Giveaway!

I may attend a lot of events, but most do not require a nice dress. That does not stop me from buying dresses…even though I live in New England, where spring still has yet to…spring. Anyway, I always have a “stockpile” of dresses I’ve worn a few times that I can bust out for an upcoming fancier event, and that’s just what I planned to do for the wedding I attended on March 23rd…until Star Li, CEO and Founder of Lendperk, came along.

The dress I selected - by BCBG!

The dress I selected for the wedding – by BCBG MAXAZRIA!

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Meeting Ellie and She3

This past weekend while visiting Kaitlin of For Love of Carrots, I gave my first ever Ellie outfit (click to get 20% off your first order) from their February collection a test-run during a barre class at She3 Wellness & Fitness Boutique in Fairfield, CT. To say Ellie (formerly pvBody) is a controversial company in the blog world right now would be an understatement. However, my experience has been mostly positive with both pvBody AND Ellie, so this review will reflect that, just as my pvBody review did.

Got those TOMS on SALE at Urban Outfitters in Boston! Yes, it’s possible to find them on sale!

I’m also excited to share my experience with the She3 barre class called the She3 Fit Method. I’ve done a couple barre classes at Physique57 and was excited to do barre again for the first time in awhile. Kaitlin was completely new to barre and we both appreciated a chance to try a new workout that while not necessarily our “typical” intense HIIT or heavy lifting, would still put us out of our comfort zones and test our strength!

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Special Fashion Friday Guest Appearance!

Thanks for your words of encouragement and advice on yesterday’s revised gastro-goals post! I think Michelle of Purely Twins put it best when she said it’s all trial and error, but your advice is ammo I can use for that experimenting so keep it coming!

I’m not going to say the s word. I’m not. All I’m going to say is I’m currently trapped in my house because it’s just Mom and me at home (not counting the sleeping brother) so we have a guy coming to plow our driveway and we have no clue when he’ll arrive. Hopefully soon so I can get to work because I have a crapload to do there. OK no more winter talk.

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Fitness Fashion Friday: Albion Giveaway!

My dear blend (and in-person friend!) Rachel of Healthy Chicks featured me as the 7th Healthy Chick in the Community on her blog’s series. I just adore the title she picked for the post too..be sure to check it out! Thanks for featuring me Rachel! This girl is a beautiful friend both inside and out 🙂

First I want to give myself a high five on High Five Friday for having a guest post published today on the second healthy living blog I EVER found several years ago…MizFit Online! Carla wrote a cool post yesterday about why she DOESN’T consider herself a foodie, and I am following up with a “rebuttal” of sorts – though not really because I love all my friends, foodie or not! If you’d told me when I first found Carla’s blog that I’d one day have a post published on it (and meet her, which I did at the Fitness Meet & Tweet), I’d have laughed at you. But here I am, published on her amazing blog, and already getting some great feedback on the post! Thanks to my #fishfriend Meg for inspiring me to give myself props every day – not just Friday!

Now, on to the main event. Happy Fashion Friday everyone! We’re getting Fitfluential again this week with another review and giveaway that I know many of you are going to be VERY interested in.

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Fashion Friday: BAMR Bands Giveaway!

HAPPY FASHION FRIDAY! I’m SO SO SO excited about today’s giveaway but first, I have to give myself a high-five for continuing to do a good job with my gastro-goals! So far I have not missed a day of taking probiotics and I only missed one day of drinking my ACV. That’s pretty good! I honestly sometimes consider skipping the ACV in the morning (best time for me to drink it) but then I remember my blog post and it really does keep me accountable! After all, I don’t want to drink it after work when I’d much rather be drinking my wine – and it’d clash terribly with the taste of dinner and my nighttime snack. So go me for keeping up with my goals!

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WINNING Fashion Friday!

Warm up in the blizzard by letting thoughts of Taste of the Nation Hartford enter your mind…and enter my giveaway to win two tickets!

I’m not gonna lie, it’s been pretty tough to stay positive ever since I heard about the impending doom of Winter Storm Charlotte.

Or is it Nemo?

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Fashion Friday and An Ego Check

Before I dive into Fashion Friday today, I want to give myself an ego check. For the last several days, my ego has been being downright rude to me. I’m having a LOT of ego-based fears and really need to keep attempting to silence my ego so that I can hear the quiet but true messages from my ~ing. I may have already lost some eye-rolling readers after those last few sentences, but I really need to vent! And the teachings of Gabby Bernstein really have been helping me.

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Fashion Friday: Sunglasses Shop Giveaway!

Sorry for being MIA yesterday, guys. Work was moi busy. But I did post a cool Tribesports core workout graphic on the blog’s Facebook page, so make sure you head over and check that out. Also, the Captain Jabbo winners may have been chosen, but remember the promo code is still good until 2/17!

I’m a spoiled blogger, I’ll admit it. In today’s post you’ll see my second pair of complimentary Oakley shades – yes, second. I received a pair of active wear sunglasses at the Fitness Magazine Meet & Tweet last May.

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