Tag Archives: birthdays

One Lovely Blog Award!

The winner of my Best of Hartford Voting Party giveaway is the duo of Connecticut Bloggers!

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I will contact you to find out if you want a gift card from Esca, Spotlight Theaters, or Umi Sushi + Tapas. Don’t forget to check out the voting parties happening in the Hartford area this month!

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Happy Birthday Kelly Olexa!

Monday, April 2, will be Kelly Olexa’s birthday. Who’s Kelly? She’s the CEO of FitFluential, the awesome community for which I am a FitFluential Ambassador. She’s also a fabulous go-getter, an amazing people person, and a confident businesswoman – all things that I work towards becoming every day!

Danielle Liss (CMO of FitFluential and Kelly’s road trip partner-in-crime) came up with the excellent idea to do a blog carnival, or a big link-up post that guides its readers to tons of links about one topic. In this case, that topic is HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLY!

So join me in wishing this very FitFluential lady a happy, fabulous day 🙂